- 1st Step of Structure Plan Preparation
- Amusement in a char
- Brahmaputra nod riverfront development dream place of jainul abedin
- Comparative scenario Analysis of Mymensingh Town
- Country Scale Drought Monitoring With Implication in MSDP
- Interfacing between Architecture and Planning through Urban design studio
- Introduction of Urban design studio
- Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Planning Practices
- Open space adaptation in disaster management
- Preparation of Scenario-based Spatial Contingency Plan with regard to Earthquake for Mymenisngh Municipality Area
- Preservation of Historic Structure of Mymensingh City
- Reconsidering the BSCIC industrial estate & feasible alternative use
- Redesign of important nodal points
- Redesign of Mymensingh Central Railway Station Area as a Transportation Hub
- Review of Master Plan of Mymensingh Pourashava, March, 1993
- Road Network Design
- Seismic Risk Assessment and Preparation of Scenario-based Spatial Contingency Plan for Mymenisngh Municipality Area
- Socio-Economic Study & findings
- Spatial intrpretation of socio-economic information
- Strategic Development Plan (MSDP)2011-2031: Case of Mymensingh City 11 March 2015
- Survey Work Mythology
- Sustainable Transportation for Mymensingh
- Understanding the dynamics of shambhuganj bazar area and its revitalization